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Début/ Inicio/ Beginning

I started this blog some years ago, as a place from mode, around six years ago. I made this blog for fashion things but always I believe even though, fashion things make me happy, there are other things that make me even happier. I stopped writing for few months, sometimes years because I had some personal problems but above all, emotional issues, I still can´t talk about that cause I am sensible and that hurt me a lot. I want write about my progress in all ways, there will be ups and downs for me, and my mind but I m pretty sure that in the future I will read my writings and they will be my motivational, portray my ideas and thoughts to be a better version of me. I will tell us about my days, the new things that I discover, and everything that makes me happy, because never is late to try those things.    _______________________________________________________________________________ J'ai commencé est blog quelques années,comment un lieu pour la mode environ j´avais vingt et un ans